Monday, April 23, 2007

Pedal Power!

I've been riding to work!

OK, perhaps that's overstating it. I've ridden to work exactly twice so far! But that averages out to once a week, and this week circumstances beyond my control have prevented me from donning my stack hat. And no, I don't mean a bit of rain, I'm not scared of getting wet!

Anyway, riding to work. It's a great ride from my place, along the beach, then through the park, and then the last little bit along St Kilda road into the city. So far so good. I was pretty nervous about riding in big city traffic, but there are clearly marked bike lanes and so long as you keep an eye out for distracted morning motorists with road rage, it seems fairly safe. But most importantly - it's completely flat the entire way - no hills!

It actually takes me less time on the bike than on the tram (and that's at my snail's pace - anyone with the slightest degree of fitness would probably get there in half the time it takes me)! And, weirdly, I get to sit down all the way (albeit on a fairly hard bike seat) compared with my usual trip home on the tram standing up packed in like a can of human sardines.

So, I can release some work tension, get some exercise, get home faster (and while sitting down!), save the environment and enjoy the scenery, all at the same time! Fabulous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look spunky too in your lycra :)