Friday, August 10, 2007

Babies, children and work

That's been my life for the past few weeks. Not my babies, not my children, but definitely my work. In between struggling to keep afloat with all that's going down in my day job, I've also done a bit of babysitting recently. God, I even changed a nappy! I have to say I was blessed with kids who were pretty angelic the whole time I had them in my care. Here is what I learned:

1. Things are not always what they seem:

Playing in front of the distortion mirrors with Ange and Jamie, after having just seen the latest Harry Potter movie.

2. If all else fails, put on a DVD with cartoons.

Finding Nemo was a big winnner!

3. Stay away from bizarre playground equipment:

Freaky fish-lizard thingies were not such a big hit.

4. Swinging is the most fun thing to do in the world:

4. A muzzie is the best protection from scary monsters:

5. It's important to rug up while watching sport:

6. It's hard to take your own photo and hold a baby at the same time:

1 comment:

D said...

hi sam,
we're in hobes wishing you were here too.
watching karate kid, playing catches with mandarine ... bunny, jimmy, angel and me.
