Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 2 at Harvard

Met some more interesting people today. One man doing the course is a pulmonary and respiratory specialist who works in ICU and is on the faculty of one of the other USA university's med schools - can't remember which one. Another woman is an anthropologist who specialises in conflict resolution between native indians. Interesting!

Took lots of photos today around the campus. Got a great shot of a squirrel eating a nut and later saw one trying to chew on a nut almost twice as big as he was! Also saw a guy with a chihuahua! Found a really weird looking insect in my bathroom - no idea what it is - kind of a cross between a centipede and a daddy-long-legs spider. It looks like one of those deep sea creatures!!!

Really hot today - I'm guessing around 30 degrees. Wore casual clothes to class today - thought I couldn't bear work clothes in this heat. Other people turned up in jeans and shorts too, so guess the requirement for "business attire" is out the window now. There is a woman from Jamaica in the course and the poor thing is freezing to death! We have the airconditioning turned up full bore and we're complaining how hot it is, and she's sitting there with a shawl around her shivering! So funny!

Learning heaps, my head is spinning with new ideas and exciting revelations. As one of the presenters, Sheila, would say: I'm having a brain quake. Sheila commented yesterday "You have no idea how hard it is to work in Australia with my name"! We three Australians cracked up laughing and then we had to try and explain why it was funny, especially to the Brazilians. I don't think I did a good job explaining it - one of them said to me, "so it's like your name is whore?"!!!! Imagine if I had to explain to him the concept of Brazilian waxing!!!

One guy said to me this afternoon: "You sure have lots of funny stories!" I replied "yeah, it's kind of a hobby of mine"!

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