First night of our stay there we were woken in the wee hours of the morning by this banging noise. Susan rang reception and said "what's going on?" and they said "i'm so sorry, it's the fire service, there's been a fire and they have to find a gas leak". We looked outside and there were the firemen, with sledge hammers, destroying the fireplace. There was smoke damage and the people in the rooms above the fireplace were asleep on the sun lounges around the pool!!! We were the other end of the pool, so had no smoke, just the noise.
The next night we were having dinner on the poolside when a waitress dropped a plate and a piece fell into the pool. Staff immediately came running and they told everyone to get out of the pool. They then closed access to the pool and all stood helplessly on the side looking at the fragment of plate in the bottom, trying to figure out how they could get it out. I said to Susan, that's ridiculous, I could just dive in there and get it for them. She said, they won't let you, they'll be worried you'll hurt yourself and sue.
I couldn't help it, I raced up to the room, grabbed my goggles, went back to the pool, ripped my shirt open, dropped my skirt, put on the goggles, and in the spirit of crocodile dundee, yelled "that's not a piece of crockery, you should see how big they are in Australia!", jumped in, picked up the bit of broken plate and handed it up to the staff. They all clapped and laughed (Susan took a photo) and I was suddenly the heroine of the night.
They call me Crockery Dundee, the Crockery Hunter!
Free margaritas, vodka cocktails and desserts later, I staggered back up to the room!
(Check out the waitress on the far right - is she doing the "you're my hero" pose or what?!!)
Rode cruisers down Santa Monica and Venice beach. Saw a guy holding a sign saying "Will work for marijuana"! At least he was honest!
At Harvard this week - Boston is beautiful and the Harvard campus is gorgeous. I am channelling Elle Wood from Legally Blonde - as I walk around the campus all her best lines keep popping into my head! So far I haven't seen any law students with chihuahuas!
My first attempt at being a Hockey Cheerleader...
It would help if I knew the rules!