Monday, January 21, 2008

Dave's 40th Birthday

My second family: Ange, Grace, Dave, Larissa, Paul, Mikey

More babies and kids in our lives!

Ros, Candice and Libby
Ange, OJo, Baby and Matilda

Beautiful North East Tasmania

Our trusty chariot, also known as the SNAGOmobile. This was because it had a sticker on the back that said SNAGO (sensitive new age gun owner). That would be Ange's Dad. At first we were horrified, but we soon realised that our transport gave us serious cred' driving around the North East, and we even got waved down when someone wanted to ask us for directions!
Camping with Dave, Larissa and the kids

Binalong Bay

Eddystone Point


This blog is turning into a photo album, but they do say that a picture says a thousand words.